For the past several years I have been working to collate my various ideas and teaching experiences into books, making them free to download for educators around the world. My collection is free in the iBooks store, featuring a variety of Augmented Reality areas, Early Years, and creativity.
During the UK’s second lockdown of the pandemic in 2021, I was struggling working from home to stay connected with the global education community. The isolation ensured that I was cut off from being able to collaborate with my peers, share new ideas, and get inspired. With the bleak weather and miserable outlook on the world’s ongoing predicament, I decided to reach out to my PLN through social media, to see if anyone was interested in a collaborative, creative project, based around Comic Relief in the UK. With 10 educators on board, we spent the month of February working entirely online through Twitter chats and collaborative Pages documents to create the first in an ongoing series of books “Create for Comic Relief”. This book is a collection of creative activities for students to get them connected to the purpose of Comic Relief.
And since then our collective group “Create for a Cause” has gone on to publish a total of 11 books, with 17 more to come, resulting in over 50,000 downloads in one year! You can check out all of our books below and download each one from the iBooks store for free. Our newest collection now focus on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.